Improv + Singing=❤️


OMS Studio Durham, Christmas Special. Vocal Student Performs Silent Night

3 Ways Improv Helps Voice Performance.


You’ve worked hard at hitting those ‘high notes,’ now let’s help you get some standing ovations using some helpful improv principles that just make sense.

#1. Make choices!

Making choices is crucial in both improv and singing. Deciding “who (you’re talking to),” “where (you’re in the world),” and “what (is the overall message you’re conveying)“ determines how you sing the lyrics.

For example, if you’re singing a love song you may take on the role of a heartbroken girlfriend, making sure that the anguish is relayed on your face and through your actions. Use your personal experiences in your performance, to develop the character.

#2. Physicalize!

To quote the actor Raphael Sbarge, ‘Don’t be a mailman.’ Aka someone who delivers the news, with no connection to the material.

Physicalizing your movements has a way of getting a singer out of their head and present on stage.  This is the time to let your imagination run rampant.

Using the example of the broken hearted girlfriend, if she’s talking to the person who broke her heart she might use sarcasm, some hand expressions, sing certain words louder or softer etc.  Double down on your initial choices and see which ones work (because not all of them do).

Tip: A mirror will be your best friend, or a friend may be your best friend.  You need this feedback!  Because you may be reliving your breakup in your mind, but to an audience you might just look a little constipated.

#3. Yes, and….

Improv's fundamental rule, "yes and," mirrors the need to keep you in the now. You have done the hard work of preparation, now it is time to let go!  Just like in life, there are no mistakes - only opportunities.

Slip-ups may happen in a performance, maybe you forget your lyrics, the pianist misses a note, someone’s phone goes off….USE IT!

You know your character (now) inside and out and just like in life when you’re interrupted, you don’t ignore it you add it to your reality.  This principle will help you maintain momentum during your performance.

Remember You are not ‘just’ singing!  You are making a statement. No matter the medium (pop, musical theater, opera, jazz etc.) by applying these improv principles you will elevate all your performances, on stage at OMS or around the world.

Listen to an Expert:


Stephanie Bentley, a seasoned musical improv comedy performer, and mother of two, seamlessly intertwines her passion for audiobook narration with her comedic flair, resulting in the new creation of audiobook musicals. With a vibrant presence on the Los Angeles comedy scene, she has graced numerous stages with her talent. She joined us at OMS Music Chats, sharing insights from her journey in the industry and offering invaluable advice for aspiring singers looking to carve their own musical path and embrace self-expression in their own creations. Stephanie speaks on topics from tips for budding performers, her experiences creating spaces for women in improv, the pros of having a creative support system, to even what she’s in the process of working on.

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